- A spider is detected
- Shivers run down my spine
- Shivers extends into my limbs
- Reactive thoughts then occur like "gross, AHHHH..."
- Cycle repeats when thinking about the incident
- A spider is detected
- I start to feel shivers
- I stop the shivers and attempt to keep looking at the spider while controlling my physical response (and sometimes I try to think of something I like while looking at the spider...yay bunnies!)
- Thoughts then occur like "ok, it's still gross" but it's more like an observation than a reaction (I'd like to get to a place where I'm more neutral than "it's still gross" but it's a work in progress).
- I also notice that I don't tend to perseverate on the spider after that.
This all seems pretty obvious from when I was learning about extinguishing fears in psych class however I don't recall much attention being placed on consciously lessening the physical response. Yay mindfulness!